
Friday, November 5, 2010

Memories of Cakes Past

I've loved baking for years, and have recently started making 'theme' cakes.  Here they are...

 My husbands birthday cake last year, the 'Zombie Massacre Cake'!  This is just a progress photo, I finished assembling this at a friends house and forgot to take the camera.  But I finished off the cake with a chopped up red jelly moat filled with snakes and alligators.

A close up of some of the 'zombies'.  It was my (mild mannered) Dad's idea to rip off the heads and dip them in red icing for blood.

 The 'Werewolf Cake' for a friends birthday earlier this year.  I think I deserve a degree in musk stick engineering for creating this one.

And before you think I make nothing but gory cakes -  the 'Rock Band Guitar Cake' for another friends birthday.  It took half a bottle of red food colouring to get that colour.  The icing on this one was a cream cheese flavoured with Cointreau.  So it looked like a children's cake, but it was very grown up!  (Well, as grown up as 30+ year olds playing Rock Band can be!).


  1. the engineering in that wolf cake is amazing. I'd be so worried the musk sticks wouldn't hold. Well done! Came here via Mischa on twitter recommending you to me. :-)

  2. Thanks Bells, Mischa said she put a call out on Twitter, thanks for stopping by. The engineering on the wolf cake wasn't all the musk sticks - I actually cut a ramp into the base for the upper jaw to slot into. That took most of the weight, so the musk sticks didn't have to do very much but look menacing!
